
Vehicle mover custom-built for confined spaces


As customer satisfaction is our top priority, we ensure that full customization is offered on our vehicle movers. The fact that we are “committed to the core" means that we are focused on making our vehicle movers the best. So, when our end customer in India needed a customized Stringo 550 to be able to steer around in a tight space, we were not late to take on the challenge.

"To do this, we simply manufactured an extra short machine to reflect the lack of space in the customer’s environment", says Stringo CTO Magnus Grafström.

The challenge: Moving vehicles through a narrow corridor

The challenge for our customer was that one corridor at their premises was so narrow that it was not possible to maneuver a Stringo around the corner, load on one of the cars and then reverse out again. One option, of course, would have been for the customer to rebuild their premises, but since customer satisfaction is at our focus, we see it as our strength and competitive advantage to be able to offer this type of customization.

A smart solution requires an innovative mindset

Our distributor in India made direct contact with Stringo R&D Department in Nyland.

"We had to study the layout drawings of the customer's environment for possible incorporation into our CAD programs to measure and test to see if our solution would work" explains Magnus Grafström.

"On a S5, the battery normally sits in front of the drive unit, but we removed it and put two smaller batteries on each side instead. It was also necessary to shorten the machine."


The customization process

Customization like this takes about 8-12 weeks to complete, from Stringo receiving the request up to the point when the machine can be delivered.

"The process starts with the aforementioned request when we sort out what requirements customers have. We then develop a concept and get it approved by the customer, before producing a design basis and making sure that we have all the material needed for the actual production. Although we have always made major or minor modifications at Stringo, it is important to point out that when we resolve a specific need, it is the customer’s requirement that provides the starting for any customization" says Magnus Grafström.

The Indian end customer has been using the customized Stringo 550 for about a year now with positive feedback.

"It gives us great pleasure that the customer is satisfied and it makes us proud of the service we offer" concludes Magnus Grafström.